Thursday, August 09, 2007

Population Shifts in New Jersey Counties

It is happening across the country and New Jersey is no different. The minority population is increasing and minorities account for two thirds of the growth in many counties that had the lowest percent of minority residents in 2000. The population shift includes Asians, Hispanics, and Blacks moving into the counties while the white population is decreasing.
Read the article here

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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

History vs Housing in Princeton

Well folks it looks like Princeton has joined the region's municipalities that has a history vs housing controversy. This time it is between the Institute for Advanced Study and the Princeton Battlefield Society. The Institute has 22 acres of land that is adjacent to the Battlefield and wants to use eight acres to build housing for faculty. Get this one, the Society does not dispute the Institute's claim to the land nor are they against the Institute building housing some place else.

The Battlefield Society is unable to purchase the land from the Institute but still wants to determine the legal owner's use of the land. The Society is unable the maintain the 85 acre battlefield for which it does have responsibilty, nor is it able to make improvements that would assist visitors in learning more about what occurred on the battlefield.

If the Institute prevails it will have its housing units and then plans to relinquish development rights to the land adjacent to the housing, which will increase by at least 10 acres the land around the battlefield to be conserved in perpetuity. Not a bad deal if the the Society does not get its way.

Read the story here.

For more housing information click here.

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For more information on Real Estate in New Jersey visit here.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

National Night Out

It is time for the 24th National Night Out. It is something neighbors can do to show their solidarity in crime prevention. It comes too late to help the Delaware State students killed in Newark, NJ or other innocent victims of violence in the United States but if everybody just made plans to participate tonight then maybe we could save one innocent victim.
To participate you are asked to turn on your outside lights and sit outside and watch. Some neighbors have parties for planned for this night that included the entire block others will sit on steps or porch in silent unity with law-abiding folks across America.
Whether you party or sit in silence, it is time to be counted.

For more housing information click here.

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For more information on Real Estate in New Jersey visit here.