Thursday, January 25, 2007

Making the Sale

It is about pricing. Buying and selling houses is 80% about pricing. There is nothing magic to it. Price the property correctly for the market and it sells, do not price it properly and it will sit on the market. The other 20% is about timing. It is a buyers market and timing is a bit tricky, but if the price is correct the property will sell.
The problem is that sellers want the price their neighbor got for a property sold during the height of the seller’s market. That’s not going to happen, it is a buyer’s market now and buyers are taking their time and shopping around before making offers.
Sellers also want to get a specific amount from the sale of their home, even though the market may not bear that price. There are no bidding wars to help drive up prices – to help today’s seller get exorbitant prices. There is enough inventory on the market for buyers to just look elsewhere and that is exactly what they are doing.
Sellers have to price to sell rather than price with emotions. It is difficult to look objectively at the place where you have spent years living life. Where each room holds memories of people and past events; but, objectivity is exactly what is needed to price a home correctly. Being objective about houses is a realtor’s day job. The realtor works to get the seller realistic returns on their investment. In a buyer’s market that can be more challenging but meeting that challenge is why I love this job!
Read the article: Home market not so comfy

For more housing information click here.

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