Thursday, August 31, 2006

Check Your Credit Report

Eileen Alt Powell reports that federal laws protect consumers' saving and loans in today's The Times of Trenton. Since mortgage companies use credit reports and FICO scores to determine whether a buyer is likely to default on their loan, it is in a buyer’s best interest to check his credit report at least once a year. Get reports from each of the three main bureaus – Equifax, Experian, and Trans-Union; it’s free.
“Often the first place that signs of ID theft show up is on your credit report,” said attorney Joel Winston, an associate director in the Federal Trade Commission’s bureau of consumer protection.
Disputing information found in the report and placing fraud alerts on their credit files can assist consumer who believe they are victims of identity theft. There are laws in place to protect consumers.

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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Economic Growth Expected to Soften

Reuters reports on a Federal Reserve study that says it was technology and not speculation that drove the housing boom. The study debunks the bubble theory but the market is still deflating much like a balloon or tire with a leak. The study also said much of the economic expansion this period was driven by equity from rising home values. Economic growth could slow when these gains dwindle.
"The wealth effect is fading and the economy is slowing," said Elisabeth Denison, economist at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein.
John Fisher and Saad Quayyum, economists at the Chicago Fed and authors of the report do not expect growth will soften too far below its long-term trend.

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Too Good To Be True

Greg Saitz reports Wayne Puff and his alleged fraudulent NJ Affordable Homes is answering to the SEC and paying a hefty price in having assets auctioned off. The sell-off of 390 company properties is set for September 29 – October 30. The SEC alleged NJ Affordable Homes was a “Ponzi” scheme “Ponzi” schemes are pretty hard to differentiate from legitimate investment schemes, until they start to fall apart. Still the rule your grandma told you about if something looks to good to be true, it probably is... might not be a bad one to keep in mind. I just love it when Granny’s right!

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Monday, August 28, 2006

Auctions Replace Negotiated Settlement? Not Likely

Just found a article at a fellow NJ blogger site talking about the Prudential, Fox & Roach deal with Sheldon Good & Co. Frankly, auctions are a marketing tool for a quick sale. It is true that there are bargains to be found at auctions, but everybody has to have done his homework and know the market value of the property at bid. Novice or inexperienced bidders can drive the price of a property well beyond the market value. Also non-motivated sellers can set unrealistic reserve prices that prevent the property from selling too. It all about executing the "Know". Perhaps Prudential can help with the "Know". We just have to wait and see.

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Revenue Generators: Condos or Apartments

Read curious article over the weekend in Reuters that said developers who planned upscale condos were likely to down-grade the condos to apartments as a result of the slow housing sales. It would mean eliminating higher-end amenities to cut costs, but it was a way to complete projects.
”"There are definitely an awful lot of projects in the pipeline initially designed as 'for sale' that, I understand, can get converted as they approach completion," said David Seiders, chief economist for the National Association of Homebuilders”

Wondered if that is what will happen by the Trenton-Mercer airport where high-density housing is planned. If so I cannot see how the change would not have affect on the Ewing school system or help the township's revenue generation woes.

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