Thursday, March 22, 2007

Property Tax Relief Bill Held

The property tax bill saga is really something. Let me do a recap. First Governor Jon Corzine calls the legislature into special session and charges them to find a solution to our tax woes before the legislators go on break for Christmas. The legislators go through their partisan bickering but eventually come up with a comptroller, a four percent cap on increases, and a tax credit for most households. The latter may or may not be sustainable depending on who you ask. After getting the legislation through the Assembly and the Senate it now sits Governor Corzine’s desk.
Well most of us know the Governor only has 45 days to sign the legislation into law which is up on Saturday. What is less known, is that in New Jersey the rule applies only when Congress is in session. With the legislators doing other things Governor Corzine has opted not to sign the bill until some undisclosed time. My guess the dog and pony were unavailable or maybe the signing pens are on back-order. We will just have to wait and see.
Read the article.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sixty-Second Sold Window

That is the amount of time that sellers have to win over buyers. Just sixty seconds, in which perspective buyers decide if they like the home they are viewing or not. The smart seller will make sure that their home captures as many of the senses as possible in that first minute. To that end, the seller will look at their home with the eye of a potential buyer.
It starts from the street. Curb appeal is essentially how does the home look from the street? Does is distinguish itself or just blend into its surroundings. Is it attractive, eye catching, or buried behind shrubbery and trees. Is the lawn full and healthy or full of crab grass and brown patches? Even with the lawn snow covered, the entrance to the home must be spotless. If there is outdoor lighting make sure it works properly.
From the entry, move on through each room of the house removing clutter and making sure it is spotless. Keep in mind the sixty-second window applies even after the original sixty is gone. That old chair you are not taking to the new home, get rid of it now. Decreasing clutter is the hardest but most essential task in getting a home into “showcase” condition. Usually the longer a seller has lived in a home, the more clutter that home collects – which makes the task of getting rid of clutter all the harder. If necessary rent a storage unit to temporarily house those items that will go to the new home and discard the rest. Remember too that pets and all evidence of their residence, needs to be removed from the house.
Clean it, paint it, repair it, or replace it. Go through the entire house once clutter is removed with this mantra in mind. If it is marked, dirty, or dusty, clean it. If it looks tired, stained, or dingy, paint it. If it is dripping, burnt out, loose, or squeaking, repair it. If it is broken (includes cracked, chipped, or splintered), worn, or leaks, replace it.
Remember in a buyers market there is plenty of choice for buyers. That just means your home is competing with other homes in the area and in the price range. Making the most of that first sixty-second window along with a realistic price are what make buyers sign your contract.

For more information click here.

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Monday, March 19, 2007

Mortgage Fact: Unenplyment Matters

It is good news about the job market! The unemployment numbers for February dropped to 4.5 percent nationally. In New Jersey the unemployment rate held a 4.2 percent (Department of Labor and Workforce Development) in February unchanged from January. With the hoopla over the stock market decline, some might have missed that New Jersey’s unemployment rate is lower than the national average again in February. Granted it is merely 3 tenths of a percentage point but it is something to crow about while everybody else is bemoaning the loss of 12,000 on the stock market. We live in a capricious society where anxiety over the stock market reigns, rather than a celebration of the lower the unemployment rate which is an indicator of a healthier the economy. The healthier the economy the more likely people are to at least catch up on their mortgages rather than default entirely and have their home fall into foreclosure -- which is the major anxiety-maker of the moment.
Granted the number of foreclosures is up but with the increase in the number of subprime mortgages out there some pruning had to be anticipated one would think. Is that any reason for investors to start withdrawing from the mortgage investment market? Apparently so if last week's market ending is anything to go by. Still at least in New Jersey, unemployment is lower than the national rate!
Read the article

For more information on the housing market click here.

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