There is a bill working its way through the New Jersey Senate (S19), sponsored by Senator Bob Smith (D), which will create a county level school superintendent. The plan was to create a position to hold local school districts accountable for their spending and thereby lower property taxes. Basically this position would approve or cut budgets. While the idea of a superintendent with the ability to cut budgets is a good one the bill working it way through Senate readings includes a process where local districts can appeal the decision of the superintendent which could very easily render the office of the county superintendent ineffective. Why was the process included in the bill you might ask? It seems some Senators are involved in local government and they did not want the superintendent to have the very power the position needs to effectively bring down New Jersey property taxes. Folks, it looks like the superintendent will have a stick, maybe even a big stick to encourage local governments to work together but it also looks like the Senate bill gives local governments a saw.
Read The Times of Trenton article
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