Took a look at the new Apple iphone online. The convenience of having all the tools of the trade available in one handheld item is tempting. The sleek design is worth the price if - and this is an important point - if you are among those who never misplace anything and who's kids don't touch your stuff. If you have never left your phone at home and had to return for it or left your camera at work, while you went to view a potential listing or found your four year old had climb your five drawer chest of drawers to play with your PDA/camera then an iphone is worth a look. Even if you have not plans of purchasing the thing it is worth a look. I admit it is inconvenient to not have the camera with you on a listing appointment but if your leave this camera somewhere you might well miss a lead's call. Another consideration, is that if the phone has to go to the shop, so does the camera, the address database - you get the idea. I may grumble about keeping track of my PDA, camera, and cell phone but the truth is keeping the items separate according to their duties works for me, for now.
It is supposed to be available through Cingular for a year before it becomes available through other services and go for about $500.
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