Well the New Jersey Education Association has weighed in on Governor Corzine’s property tax reform proposal over the weekend. Joyce Powell wrote the ad for the Association. She pretty much says what we all know – that “credits and caps” of Governor Corzine has a fatal flaw. I think I will just quote her here
The core of Gov. Corzine’s plan is a combination that he calls “credits and caps:” significant property tax credits for most residents, combined with strong caps on future property tax increases. It is an appealing offer, but with a fatal flaw. While it addresses the issue of funding for education, it does nothing to deal with the cost of providing education.
… New Jersey arrived at this crisis understand that property taxes are a symptom, not the root cause of the problem. For years, the state has failed to provide adequate funding to school districts to raise the necessary funds through the only means available to them: property taxes.
Ms Powell has a point. Where is the money for schools going to come from if not the state or property taxes? Since it is true in the 1990’s Gov.Whitman decreased the amount of money available to the state with her decrease in income tax, then it really is no surprise that municipalities had increase in property taxes to make up the difference for the money no longer received from the state or have schools suffer. Duh! It is not rocket science here. So what’s the legislature going to do? Probably the quick fix of “credits and caps” but not even make a stab at the root cause of property taxes and so we will have this conversation again in a few years.
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